Telling our Story with the R-Net'ers

We had a great session last week with the RNET’ers at MRS HQ.

As well as sharing some of the key headlines from our work to date, we had our attendees work on developing the "Story of Research" that will form the central core to our future planned communication activity.

Attendees completed a storybook to identify the key aspects of what should attract and engage people about a career in market research as well as how they can develop themselves as they progress in this varied and exciting area of work.

The delegates also had the opportunity to draw out how they thought a communication approach could be shaped – a couple of the great ideas are shown below

In the coming weeks the project team will be liaising with a number of industry bodies to develop a co-ordinated series of activities to start to action and communicate in a new way about our industry.

One of those areas will be about looking for representatives of our industries to go and talk to people at colleges, universities and schools about what a great career market research can offer – all materials and content will be provided centrally – we’d perhaps just need a few hours of your time each year to go and give a couple of presentations in your area.

If you are interested in being kept in the loop on this developing activity, please drop a short email to Mark  Hirst, one of the project team at and he will add you to our growing list of potential volunteers keen to turn our growing knowledge in this area into targeted action.

Building "The Story of Research"

We had a great time at our session on Thursday evening Edinburgh with the MRS Scotland group. Thanks to everyone that turned up and helped make the evening a success.

After explaining the journey of discovery we had made to date, including sharing some of the key facts and figures we have identified, we then got into the interactive part of the session.

The audience were asked to reflect on both what they had heard as well as their own experiences as researchers to help them set out a number of key areas of how they would go about selling the Market Research Industry to someone who had not heard about it before, never mind considered it as a career path.

We will be bringing these ideas together with similar outputs from other sessions we have/are running with the aim of developing a series of strong messages to share wider afield.

The attendees were then split into two teams and in a short amount of time, asked to produce a 60 sec advert selling their industry.

These proved to be very informative as well as demonstrating the ingenious and resourcefulness of those people who work in the world of Market Research!!!!

Again, we captured these adverts on video so we can use aspects of each in our developing communication plan.

We finished with a Q&A session over sandwiches and wine where everyone shared their own views about a number of aspects we had discussed.

Certainly our project team got loads from the session and judging by the comments we received on the evening and via Twitter, our audience found the interactive session a good use of their time.

We will be keeping everyone in the loop as we continue our different steams of research activity, and most importantly as we move into the Action phase of the project.