An interesting area of conversation that came out from our discussions at the MRS conference concerned job titles.
Some people felt that different titles represent different levels of responsibilities in different organisations. This makes its hard to identify a clear career path through the industry.
Add to that the changing titles that some organisations and agencies are now using and its not surprising that young people entering the industry feel confused.
Therefore, one of the key learnings we need to consider as we develop our "Story of our Industry", is how we set out the variety of career paths that can be followed.
We are starting to get our ideas together and are looking to develop a campaign approach to help make this happen - keep watching the blog for more info.
Throughout the conference we ran a poll on our hub where we asked people to vote for their top 3 next steps for the project to tale, based on the many different ideas we have captured during the year or so of us gathering evidence.
We received 240 votes across 10 different options - we also allowed people to flag up their own ideas, some of which made it to our cartoon wall.
This is how the results look:-
In the coming weeks we are looking to discuss these results with a number of industry bodies and representatives to galvanise activity and get people involved. Watch thsi space for more details of how you can help.
At the conference, one of the common themes we heard from delegates related to the sheer variety of roles that careers in our industry offer as well as the opportunity to involved in really important projects - here are a couple of images that were generated around this theme:-
It's clear that as part of our next steps of setting out what the story of our industry is, these are important aspects that we will need to incorporate and highlight for potential new joiners looking for a varied and exciting career.